Introduction To Automatic Packaging Machine

 An Automatic Packaging Machine is a specialized device designed to efficiently package fabric rolls for transportation and storage purposes. While various models exist in the market, their core function remains consistent: facilitating the handling of fabric rolls. Primarily employed within the garment industry, these machines envelop fabric around a paper tube and utilize suitable packing paper, offering both manual and automatic operation capabilities.

automatic packaging machine

Automatic Packaging Machines typically possess a cylindrical shape and are constructed from durable materials like stainless steel. With loading capacities ranging from 200 to 400kg, they can accommodate a wide assortment of fabric rolls.

The operation of a Automatic Packaging Machine involves compressing the fabric roll to reduce its size, making it more manageable for transportation and safeguarding it against moisture and external wear. This compression process not only facilitates ease of handling but also ensures the fabric's protection.

Once the fabric roll has been compressed, it can be securely sealed within a plastic bag or container to provide additional safeguarding measures.

Working Principles of Automatic Fabric Roll Packing Machine

The automatic fabric roll packing machine is a specialized device specifically designed for efficiently packaging fabric rolls of various types, including cotton, linen, and synthetic materials. This machine operates by initially rolling the fabric onto a spindle, followed by utilizing a system of belts and pulleys to secure the fabric roll firmly in position. Once secured, the machine automatically initiates the packing process, shaping the fabric roll into the desired form, such as roll to roll, plait to roll, or frame to roll. The automatic fabric roll packing machine continues the packing procedure until the fabric roll is fully packed.

SUNTECH Automatic Fabric Roll Packing Machine(ST- ARPM)

The SUNTECH automatic fabric roll packing machine offers a complete automation design specifically tailored for vacuum-sealed and automated packing of fabric rolls. By utilizing this advanced machine, significant reduction in labor force can be achieved, thanks to its multitude of features, including the capacity to handle 3360 rolls per shift, vacuum packing capabilities, labeling functionality, intelligent sorting, and seamless integration with ERP systems. Opting for the SUNTECH automatic fabric roll packing machine not only streamlines the packing process but also enhances efficiency and productivity.

SUNTECH Automatic Packaging Machine represents a remarkable achievement in fully automated design. It has been ingeniously crafted to effortlessly package fabric rolls with precision, employing a seamless and vacuum-sealed process. With an impressive capacity of 3360 rolls per shift, this machine revolutionizes labor-intensive packaging tasks. Its advanced features include intelligent sorting, vacuum packing, labeling, and seamless integration with ERP systems. By embracing this cutting-edge technology, you can significantly diminish your dependence on manual labor, while experiencing the tremendous advantages of heightened productivity and unrivaled efficiency.

Features of ST-ARPM

ST-ARPM presents an array of impressive features designed to amplify efficiency and productivity in the textile industry. Boasting a maximum capacity of 7 rolls per minute, this advanced system optimizes the packing process, resulting in optimized output.

One standout attribute of this packing line is its intelligent classification capability. Through smart categorization, it eliminates the need for manual sorting, while its connection to ST-Thinkor allows for accurate fabric roll inspection and quality control prior to packing and labeling. This integration saves time, reduces defects, and ensures precise packing on every occasion. Remarkably, ST-ARPM achieves such automation with minimal human intervention, requiring only one operator to oversee the entire process.

To accommodate the diverse requirements of textile products and manufacturers, the Automated Fabric Roll Packing Line offers customizable options. This means the packing line can be tailored to accommodate various fabric roll sizes, shapes, and types, whether it be delicate silk or robust industrial textiles. Irrespective of the material, the packing line seamlessly handles the process.

Equipped with AI-powered technologies, the packing line features a comprehensive one-stop process that incorporates multiple tasks. First and foremost, the system includes AI inspection, utilizing computer vision algorithms to identify defects or inconsistencies in the fabric rolls. This ensures that only high-quality rolls are selected for packing, safeguarding the manufacturer's reputation and minimizing customer complaints.

Moreover, the automatic fabric roll packing machine seamlessly integrates sampling and taping functions. It autonomously extracts representative samples from each roll, ensuring rigorous quality control and guaranteeing that the entire batch adheres to desired standards. Furthermore, the system securely applies tape to the rolls, safeguarding them against unwinding or damage during transit or storage.

Mapping and labeling functionalities are also seamlessly incorporated within the packing line. Leveraging advanced mapping capabilities, the system records and tracks the precise location of each fabric roll, facilitating efficient inventory management and retrieval. Additionally, the automated labeling feature accurately affixes vital information such as product details, batch numbers, and barcodes to each roll, enabling effortless identification and tracking across the supply chain.

The packing process itself is flawlessly executed by the system. Utilizing the most suitable packing methods, the fabric rolls are neatly and tightly packaged, ensuring their security and protection during transportation. The SUNTECH Automatic Fabric Roll Packing Machine is adaptable to various packing styles and configurations, accommodating diverse packaging materials and requirements.

ST-ARPM encompasses a sorting function as well, enabling the rolls to be efficiently organized based on specific criteria such as size, color, or destination. This simplifies the logistics process, leading to swifter and more efficient distribution.

With its remarkable capacity and intelligent features, the SUNTECH Automated Fabric Roll Packing Line maximizes productivity. It empowers a single operator to oversee the entire packing process, thanks to its smart classification system.

SUNTECH Textile Machinery offers a fully customizable one-stop solution, integrating AI inspection, sampling and taping, mapping, labeling, packing, sorting, and more. By harnessing this advanced technology, manufacturers can achieve optimal efficiency, accuracy, and quality control in fabric roll packing.
